It is also becoming a media partner of the FOR KIDS fair this year the most visited professionally guaranteed portal focused on pregnancy and childcare. In addition to the professional part, here you will find testing, competitions, the series Rodíme ONLINE or professional advice.
The Babyonline publishing house brings quality not only in the information on the portal of the same name, but also in original educational books for children in the edition For smart heads, focused on a healthy lifestyle, safe behavior, the development of children's practical and emotional intelligence and their logical thinking.
It is about:
- Sayings for smart heads– an interactive set of nursery rhymes that teach children new knowledge and skills, with the addition of fine graphomotoric skills
- How children come into the world– sex education for the youngest in the form of a real conversation with a 5-year-old child
- Preschooler's weekly magazines for smart heads– the only comprehensive preparation for preschoolers in the Czech Republic, a bestseller
- Letter cards for smart heads– alphabet cards will teach children to hear sounds, syllabify, improve logical and memory thinking.
- Proverbs and puns for smart heads- simple messages of the life experience and wisdom of our ancestors
For pregnant mothers, we offer a successful mentor - a book Healthy pregnancy about healthy cooking and exercise.
Take a look at the books for inquisitive and bright children, which are also a great helper for parents!
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