We are happy to announce important news! The FOR KIDS, FOR TOYS and FOR BABIES fairs are merging into one big fair called FOR KIDS. This change should give exhibitors the opportunity to meet more potential business partners in one place at one time and conclude more business contracts.

The first combined FOR KIDS fair will take place on 20-22 Occtober, 2023.

Sign up before the end of June and get an exhibition space at the lowest possible price! Application documentation HERE.

The new look of the FOR KIDS fair:

  • Broader targeting: expectant parents, households with newborns, infants, toddlers, preschoolers, schoolchildren and teenagers
  • A wider range of assortment: a large number of items for children, strollers and car seats, clothes, bouncers, scooters, tricycles and bicycles, swings, toys and games, educational and entertaining literature for all age groups of children, furniture for the children's room
  • Larger exhibition area
  • More exhibitors and visitors means more new business partners and concluded contracts
  • New partners of the fair